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A place where you can make friends, get advice or support

Home: Welcome


We are a server in Discord that is mainly focused on transgender and non-binary people. Here you can meet people from around the globe, make friends, get advice and support, have a bit of fun with our interactive bots and games. Even if you aren't trans or non-binary you are welcome.

Home: About


We are a LGBTQ+ discord server focused on transgender and non-binary individuals but not exclusive to them! Our server includes channels to boost your self confidence, support channels and some fun and light-hearted channels in which you can have a bit of a laugh. It is a space where you can make new friends, share experiences and help others who are or were going through the same things as you did. Our server have pretty high security to make prevent raiders and to make it a haven. We welcome all allies and anyone looking to make some friends or have a safe place to chat with other lgbt+ people. Everyone is included even if you aren't trans or non-binary. If you need advice, want support or just want to make friends join us here at Transville.

Home: About Us


022 584 1652

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